UK regains control over business subsidies
A new system to regulate the award of subsidies to business came into force on Wednesday 4 January 2023. It should provide a boost to businesses across the country and empower public authorities to deliver support to businesses in a quicker, fairer, and simpler way.
Subsidies will be tailored to local needs, with public authorities and devolved administrations having added flexibility to ensure they can get support to where it’s most needed as quickly as possible.
The introduction of these new
Which way to turn

Inflation and recession are cruel task-masters.
If you provide goods or services that can be readily sourced from alternative suppliers, and at a lower cost, trying to beef-up your sales prices will likely result in lost income as your customers go elsewhere. If your costs are increasing this can only lead to lower profits.
If you sell luxury goods, there will likely be a reduction in demand as customers concentrate their expenditure on meeting rising fuel and food bills.
Business owners can