Maximise your profitability with our Corporation Tax Services

Working through a limited company is one of the most tax-efficient options available, but with Corporation Tax reliefs and rates changing on an annual basis, it can be hard to keep track of all the exemptions, allowances and deductions.

That’s where we come in. Our aim is to make sure you maximise your profitability with minimum stress.

Corporation Tax Services

What is Corporation Tax?

Corporation Tax is the tax on profits payable to HMRC by limited companies.

A Corporation Tax return (CT600) for a company’s financial year must be submitted no later than 12 months after the end of the financial year. Any tax payable is then due 9 months and 1 day after the end of the financial year.

Our Corporation Tax services

We will work closely with you to make sure we understand your business thoroughly, so we are able to offer you the best tax advice. Our services include:

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Preparing the CT600 form. We will usually complete your company’s accounts at the same time

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Checking the tax planning for your company is the best it can be

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Reviewing any directors’ tax planning to minimise liabilities

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Completing the return and filing it on time.

If your company is newly incorporated, we will ensure it is appropriately registered with HMRC and Companies House.

Claiming Research and Development tax reliefs

If your company is working on any innovative projects in science and technology, then you may be able to claim Corporation Tax relief on the project. You might even be doing this, without realising!

We will have a discussion with the directors of the company to work out if you qualify. If you do, then we have contacts with several R&D Tax Relief specialists who will ensure any documentation to support the claim is completed correctly to maximise your chances of success.

Chimes Accountancy Services

Please get in touch to discuss your accountancy needs 01494 439013